From my Heart...

From my Heart….

Letting Go to Grow  

January 2024 we (Hubby, the kiddos and I) went on a family vacation to Kauai…… This Island changed our lives in ways I never imagined it would and I know these changes are rippling out into the future of each one of us.

I will start at the very beginning ... .This is a trip of a lifetime. Kauai has been calling me for a few years now, since seeing a friend of mine post pics and share stories of her time there.  The moment I saw her first post on facebook, I said YES! I’ll have that toooooooo! I knew one day we would be there, but I didn't set a time - I was open to anytime.  In the beginning of “Actualizing” this vacation I spent time daydreaming about what it would be like.  I looked at all my friends' pictures, read about her adventures and fell in love with this island through her eyes. 

Next I started talking about it to Hubby.  He was his usual ogre self about...

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From My Horse...

THIS IS US Dancing together at the horse show just afew weeks ago (August 17/18) at Amberlea Meadows (near Edmonton, AB)

I talk so much about my horse and how much she facilitates me..... it happened again! 

We have been training over the winter, the Flying lead changes in the canter.  We are getting them, but they are still shaky, uncertain.  We did show at Third Level in July.  We did pretty good actually! We scored higher in the Trott and walk than we ever had before..... then came the changes.  The first one was ok, he second one was OH MY... then everything after that was tension / anxiety etc.....

The second day of the show, I could feel so much tension and anxiety in my horse, we didn't actually get to complete out test because the judge saw "Irregular rhythm" and rang the bell.  We were excused from the ring. 

It has been 2 years since my horse's injury, I was concerned about some physical pain..... and I knew the tension and anxiety can...

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Lobstering = mending + loving + growing

about me transformation Aug 27, 2024


YOU GUYSSSSS! I know it's been awhile, believe me, I'm feeling it too. I have been "Lobstering" the last month. Actually, the process started months ago and for the last month I have been taking the time and space to allow....

ALLOWING myself to discover love
ALLOWING myself to love
ALLOWING myself to be loved
ALLOWING myself to enjoy
ALLOWING peace to be my source, choosing from & for.
ALLOWING myself to trust, the process, the energy, myself.


are the energies that I am growing what's next from..... growing my life, my future, Business, money and body from, as and for <3

Including multiple dashes of love!

HOW DOES A LOBSTER GROW - Watch the video - click here


It's not that none of those energies weren't present in my life before...... it's that I am strengthening them, going deeper, greater and more!

I was functioning from belief tables that were limiting my creativity and what I could be....

"Love ends in hurt"

"Nothing worth having...

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Who am I?

about me transformation Mar 10, 2024

I am a warrior…. I am a person that does not believe in “either / or”.... I know that if you are willing to dig in and experience life, you can have it all including the “cherry on top”.

I am a woman.

I am a Daughter.

I am a wife.

I am a mother.

I am an entrepreneur.

I am a Dressage competitor.

I am a Dressage coach.

I am a Professional horse trainer.

I am a Chief Financial Officer.
(Bookkeeper / Cashflow manager / Bill payer)

I am an equipment operator.

I am an Online store developer / creator / maintainer.

I am a sales clerk / customer service employee.

I am a Facilitator of Choice, Consciousness & Possibilities.
(Online coaching & live classes)

I know that there’s no such thing as impossible and I live a life that seems “Impossible” to most people.  I spark resentment and judgment in some, while inspiring and empowering others.

Over the last decade my whole life has changed, gotten greater, opened up!

It looks the same from the...

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