$27.00 / month for 12 months

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A weekly dose of Ca$h Consciousness & M0ney Magic!

There are things in life that we cannot control.  For example, the state of the economy, inflation, the cost of fuel, vehicles, utilities etc....

There is one thing YOU can control, the mindset that you have and the way that you BE with money. 

Is it really true that you have to work for money?
trading hours & time for money?

Is it really true that there's not enough money?
that if you have more other people have less?

Is it really true that you will never be able to have more than you do now?

What if you started to wonder & question all of the beliefs you have about money? 

What if every week you practiced strengthening the energies of gratitude, generosity of spirit, abundance and prosperity...... seeding money possibilities that will grow for you to receive in the future?

Sounds Woo Woo?
too easy and too good to be true.... I thought so too.

I have been practicing and putting these tools to work in my life over the last decade.  Transforming my own personal financial reality into something that's greater than I ever imagined possible.

I have been using these tools, working one-to-one with clients and small groups of people, transforming their financial realities! 

What do you have to lose? 

For $27 / month you will receive an email every monday with a tool, tip, a question... creating more consciousness for you with regards to money, cash, wealth and your financial reality. 

Once you subscribe you can cancel your subscription at any time.

Pay for 12 months and get one month free.

What would it be like to "Kreate" your life with money.... not for money?


ps. Make sure you tick the box that says Subscribe to the emails - so that we can send you the details!


You can send an e-transfer to [email protected]

If you'd like to pay in cash, contact Katherine to make arrangements.